RFID: Coming to an application near you
Now that we’re six years into the third millennium, it’s time that some 21st-century technology is coming of age. It’s a slow process, but it’s inexorable, so if you’re not familiar with it, here’s a short overview of what it is and what to expect from it.
RFID is Radio Frequency Identification. It uses microprocessors to create electronic ID tags and short-wave radio signals to transmit the information to a reader and thence to a control system. Some applications have been in use for years, others have been targeted to industries quite recently, and still others are in development – or in the minds of engineers, designers, marketers, and corporate leaders.
Most pet owners are familiar with RFID in a vague way. Many veterinarians routinely implant RFID chips in dogs and cats when they vaccinate and neuter or spay them. Those chips are typically encoded with the animal’s name, sex, date of birth, and vaccination records and the owner’s name and contact information. The implants are useful for only two purposes – to check or confirm immunization records and to identify a pet that has been lost, found by a stranger, and taken to a vet or shelter and, it’s hoped, enable its return.
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